In What Order Does the Committee Hear Bills?

The Committee hears bills in Sign-in Order. 

When is the Deadline for Submitting Position Letters?

To be included in the Committee analysis, letters in support or opposition of a bill must be submitted to the Committee five (5) business days prior to the day of the scheduled hearing on that bill.

What Should Letters Contain to be Accepted?

All letters must clearly articulate the position of the organization or individual, must be on a letterhead indicating the identity of the organization or individual, and must be signed.  A person authorized by the organization to represent its official position must sign letters from organizations.

How Can Position Letters be Submitted?

The Committee is accepting position letters electronically through the California Legislature Advocates Portal.  The portal is available to individuals, advocates and lobbyists through the Committee’s website or via the following link https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/      

Letters may also be submitted by mail or be hand delivered to the Committee’s office at 1020 N Street, Room 156, Sacramento, CA 95814

What is the California Legislature Advocates Portal?

The California Legislature Advocates Portal is an electronic letter submittal system, available to individuals, advocates and lobbyist throughout the state, to submit position letters on legislation that was introduced during a session. Position letters submitted through this portal will automatically be available to authors, members and committees.      

For additional information on the California Legislature Advocates Portal and on how to submit letters, please go to the Frequently Asked Questions at this link https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/faces/faq.xhtml

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