Jump to January 31st | February 15th | March
December 5, 2011
The Housing Market's Role in Economic Recovery
- File Notice [pdf]
- Hearing Agenda [pdf]
- Cal HFA - Keep Your HomeCalifornia [pdf]
- HCD - The State of Housing California 2011 [pdf]
- CBIA - The State of Housing in California [pdf]
- HCD - The State of Housing in California 2011 Supply and Affordability Problems Remain [pdf]
- UCLA Anderson Forecast [pdf]
- Testimony provided by Matthew Franklin, President of Midpen Housing Corporation [pdf]
March 23, 2011
Housing California's Veterans Does the State Have a Plan?
March 14, 2011
Keep Your Home California
February 15, 2011
Redevelopment and Affordable Housing Finance.
Witnesses Testimony/Handouts
William Pavao, Executive Director - California Tax Credit Association Committee
La Shelle Dozier, Executive Director - Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency
Greg Sparks, Vice President - Sacramento, Mercy Housing
Eric Thronson, Fiscal and Policy Analyst - Legislative Analyst’s Office
Julie Snyder, Policy Director - Housing California
- Alternative_Proposal - FINAL [pdf]
- LMIHF Fact Sheet [pdf]
- Preserve LMIHF_AD-15_SD-07_Brentwood Senior Commons [pdf]
- Preserve LMIHF_AD-21_SD-11_Almaden Lake [pdf]
- Preserve LMIHF_AD-35_SD-23_Paseo Santa Clara [pdf]
- Preserve LMIHF_AD-79_SD-39_Parkside [pdf]
Glen Campora, Assistant Deputy Director - Department of Housing and Community Development
- Assembly_Housing [pdf]
- http//www.hcd.ca.gov/hpd/rda/07_08/exec_memo_fy06-07_fy07-08 [pdf]
Jeff Brownfield, Chief of the Division of Audits
Steven Mar, Bureau Chief of Local Government Audits State Controller's Office
- http//www.sco.ca.gov/Press-Releases/2010/10-20-10bell_community_redevelopment_review_report [pdf]
Nancy Vogel, Principal Consultant - Senate Office of Oversight and Outcomes
- http//www3.senate.ca.gov/deployedfiles/vcm2007/senoversight/docs/affordable%20housing%20report [pdf]